Thursday 9 January 2020

603 Studio Brief 3- Editorial

I know im not an editorial illustrator-i definitly reolve around storytelling and

The articles that were chosen didn't interest me in the slightest- the gimmicky emoji one genuinely irritated me to read, and the handmaid's tale one was a little too complex, and needed prior knowledge of the subject matter, and, as far as i can remember, it was reviewing a book of the sequel. This completely through me off, as the review didn't have much detail or descriptive language that i felt i could completely depict, especially accurately or relevantly, without any prior knowledge of anything about the handmaid's tale. I know that this is on my behalf, ignorant and uncultured . I know it must have earned its fame for a good reason, yet I didn't allow myself the time to really research into it.

i feel like at the time, there was definitely several things in my life, including COP, that I really wanted to prioritise and give my full attention to. Also, alongside this, i was definitely dealing with some big happenings in my personal life. Overall, this task wasn't one i wanted to divert my attention and energies into, and eventually, i genuinely forgot about it. In the future, i would like to try my hand at tackling an editorial, but perhaps one that i understand more, and am interested in.

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